Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weekly Written Analysis 2

This week I am going to talk about the latest controversry on the reality series The Bachelor. The Bachelor is a reality show where at the end, the supposed prize is a proposal, followed by a wedding and a happily ever after fairy tale life with The Bachelor.

Last season Jake and Vienna were the final couple standing to become engaged before the world. After several short months in the spot light they recently broke up. The break up led to a massive media blitz by both sides. Part of this coverage was a sit down interview with the host of the show to discuss what went wrong.

What went wrong was the myth that two people could get to know each well enough to create a romantic relationship strong enough to sustain a relationship created out of falsehoods.

Both Vienna and Jake felt they were in love and believed in this love until the myth of the promise of love on television proved to be untrue. Now that they are no longer together neither one of them has a kind word to say about the other.

Our culture is conditioned to want to see and know more about what really happened and who was really at fault and why. This is also backed up by their faces being plastered with headlines of the break up on every tabloid you could find. I for one hope that their 15 minutes of fame is over … of course not before I tuned in to hear what really went wrong as well!

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